Monday 31 July 2017

W Scotland - White Tailed Eagle and Gull Skirmish

Since the White Tailed Eagle, more commonly known as the Sea Eagle was reintroduced into the western isles of Scotland in the 1970s, I have always wished to see one, but have been based too far north of their current range to see one during our visits to NW Scotland.  This June we decided to visit a known 'hot spot' for these birds, the largest bird of prey in the UK.
On a beautiful sunny day we drove down to Glenelg on the mainland opposite to Skye 500yds or so across the blue water.  We were not the only people there and my wife jumped out of the car to have a look, whilst I parked the car in the small packed car park.  Having parked the car, I joined her to be informed that she had seen a Sea Eagle chasing a gull and had got a photo, but it had gone 

I waited 5 minutes, 10 minutes, perhaps 20 minutes, not seeing my quarry, knowing that sightings were not guaranteed, and to some extent the tide determined activity.  Had I missed the only sighting?  Then suddenly an eagle was seen flying away south, some 250m away.  I quickly took a shot.  Through the lens it was obvious that the eagle had caught a fish, when....
......a large gull appeared on the scene.
The huge eagle flew around gaining height before....

....the gull came closer to the eagle and performed some aerobatics,....

....swooping down and harassing the eagle....

....trying to get the eagle to drop the fish.

The eagle hung on and started again to move off to the South.

The last I saw of the eagle it still had the fish, still being tracked by the gull, which I presume was a Great Black Backed Gull, the largest common gull in the UK.  For my first ever White Tailed Eagle, I was treated a brilliant display by the eagle.
The last of the photos of birds skirmishing during my stay in NW Scotland.

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