Thursday 7 November 2019

Wilstone Reservoir Tring - Mute Swans - Hate and Love

Another walk at the end of October around Wilstone Reservoir.

From the jetty I could see about 2 dozen Mute swans, mainly in loose pairs. Generally, it was quiet, but occasionally a swan got too close to another swan and the bird undertaking the incursion was driven off by the cob. 
Having spotted an intruder this Mute Swan had built up quite a bit of speed before I got the camera on it.

Picking up more speed....

....the swan approached the intruder...

....and with a few pecks....

....hurried the intruder away.

Not all violence though!
I found this pairing interesting as the female has a dull red bill.  Not an expert at all, but I assume that this is a relatively young bird coming into maturity.  I would appreciate if anybody can confirm this.

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