Friday 12 May 2017

Rushmere Country Park - Common Birds & Insects

Following on from my last post of insects phoographed at Rushmere Country Park.  Whilst I could hear plenty of birdsong on my walk (including Chiffchaff, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Green Woodpecker and Blackcap), I only had fleeting views and no photographs.  But I did see some common birds who were not hiding amongst the bright spring leaves.
A Woodpigeon lands on a log for a drink....
....whilst a Carrion Crow landed 20 yards away in last year's bracken, showing its black feathers shining in the light...
...and a couple of brightly coloured Mallard drakes shining in the sun, swam across the reflection of the spring foliage.

I managed a slightly obscured photo of a male Orange Tip Butterfly, always difficult to get as they fly through the glades in search of a female resting on a plant).  Still, it is my best photo of the male to date....

....and a photo of a hoverfly that allowed me to take a fairly sharp image of its head....

...and finally a carving of a water beetle on a post at the dipping pond used by children to explore the wonderful aquatic world. 

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