Friday 31 August 2012

Scotland - Clootie Well

The Clootie Well near Munlochy on the Black Isle to the North of Inverness, and near the banks of the Moray Firth
We discovered this strange place by chance, turning into a Forestry Commission Car Park for a bite to eat. Historically, such wells are places of Celtic pilgrimage, with a piece of cloth dipped in the well and then hung up in the surrounding trees.  This will bring good health to the person from whom the cloth originated.
The trees surrounding this ancient shrine were festooned with hundreds, if not a few thousand pieces of cloth, rags and whole garments (mainly socks) all in different condition as they aged.  Many of the clothes it would appear to have previously belonged to children, whom I suspect were possibly suffering from life threatening disease.
Whilst it was strangely interesting, it was certainly very eerie, and I wasn't sorry to leave.


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